About Homegrown Stories: 

The average American family farm operates at a net loss. Corporate consolidation and conglomeration has driven producers out of business, given consumers fewer healthy food choices, and weakened American sovereignty over our own food laws. International ag companies would have you believe this is necessary. They have sold policymakers and consumers a tall tale about the need for intensive, large-scale, industrial agriculture and factory farms.

Through Homegrown Stories, we offer a different choice.

This narrative project aims to elevate people who do incredible work in our food system. By sharing their stories, we hope to tell the whole truth about American agriculture. By sharing these stories, we:

  • Debunk the myth that bigger is always better.

  • Affirm that stewardship of the land and commitment to community comes before investor returns.

  • Put people ahead of profits.

It’s time to reclaim our food system. It’s time to stand up for, and advocate for farmers and ranchers, healthy consumers and prosperous land. It starts with telling a better, more-accurate story than what you’ve already heard. Homegrown Stories is a narrative project of the Western Organization of Resource Councils. For four decades, WORC has fought to protect farmers and ranchers from aggressive, well-financed corporate interests. Whether it’s meatpacking trusts, coal companies, oil companies or the agrichemical industry — WORC has pushed back on behalf of family farmers and ranchers.

We welcome you to read our stories and join our fight.


Western Organization of
Resource Councils:

Founded in 1979, the Western Organization of Resource Councils is a regional network of grassroots, non-profit community organizations across seven states, consisting of 15,190 members and 39 local chapters. WORC helps its member groups succeed by providing training, coordinating issue work and keeping an eye on national and regional policy. We champion family farmers and ranchers and the rural communities in which they live.